Grama Bazita group

Vacant 2 position

The Grama Bazita group is in the business of providing engineered solutions for your business.
The Group’s various business units have extensive experience and man years of in-depth knowledge in a range of industries such as Oil & Gas, Pulp & Paper, Food & Beverage, Power, Iron & Steel, Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Water and Waste Water to name a few.

1. Mechanical Engineer (Piping exp)
2. Electrical Engineering

Job descriptions:
Review design from consultants
Coordinate the overall mechanical or electrical engineering design process.
Able to operate computer and its application.
Prepare product reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing information and trends.
Complete projects by training and guiding technicians
Tender Process preparation.

General requirement
Male and female, preferred Age 27 – 35 years old
Good command in English and interpersonal skill
Having minimum 5 years experiences in the Estimation & Tendering Team
Graduated D3/S1 Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering .
Sense of responsibility and Dynamic team player
Language: English & Bahasa Indonesia
Work location in Jakarta and willing to travel to Project sites from time to time.

Send CV (with detailed Job Descriptions / in English) to ASAP by 8 May 2015
from : yahoogroups

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